

Sarah Gullette,


Let me introduce myself...I’m Sarah.

Business owner, activist, mom, entrepreneur, tech nerd, creator, artist and everywoman.  Like most of you, I do it all, and I mean everything. Work, home, family, school, all of it. At the same time, and usually on very, very little sleep.  

As long as I can remember, I always knew I’d have a business of my own one day, I just didn’t know exactly what that business would be. Ultimately, my first “real” business was a condo property management firm I started about thirty seconds before the 2008 housing crisis and economic meltdown.  How’s that for timing? Fortunately, I saw a gap in the market and my company grew so quickly that within five years I had 12 full time employees, a 2500 sq ft office space and more business than I knew what to do with.

I found that I loved the creative process of building a business, but after a while, the 80 hour workweeks began to take a toll and things were not running smoothly behind the scenes and it was a struggle to maintain the quality of service we strived for.  To make matters worse, my profitability was low, it seemed like I was always pressed for cash and I had virtually zero work/life balance. I knew something needed to change, and fast.

I collaborated with my entire team to create SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) and eliminate various pain points. Little by little I began to see improvements not only in the level of service we provided to our clients, but within the day to day interactions amongst all of my employees. I was amazed by how different our company culture felt every day when I went to work, and I saw each employee begin to truly flourish and take ownership of their roles. Ultimately, it was these changes that helped increase profits and stabilize our client base, which led to the successful sale of the company a few years later.

After that experience, I knew I wanted to help other small business owners streamline their business and simplify their lives. Owning a small business does not mean you have to sacrifice all your evenings and weekends, nor does it mean you have to give up your hobbies or never see your kids again (however appealing that may seem from time to time). But it does mean that you have to be diligent about consistently incorporating the right tools as your business evolves over time.


CRAVE Chicago - 2011

CRAVE Chicago - 2011

CRAVE Chicago - 2011

CRAVE Chicago - 2011

CRAVE Chicago - 2013

CRAVE Chicago - 2013

CRAVE Chicago - 2013

CRAVE Chicago - 2013

Universal Building
”SGJ Property Management Inc. Turns Historical Loft Office Into Unique Workspace”

CNN Money
” Rahm Emanuel: How Chicago saved it’s small businesses”

After My Last Setback - Podcast Gust speaker, 2019

After My Last Setback - Podcast
Gust speaker, 2019